My Take On Spirituality

Alex Green
3 min readJul 3, 2021


What does spirituality mean to you? To me, it means finding the essence of your soul and building a relationship with yourself. Just as we build relationships with others, we fight, love, look out for each other, care for one another when we are sick, challenge each other, question, debate, argue, have fun, spend quality time, learn love languages…etc. There are so many ways that we interact with another being to build a relationship. You can do the same with yourself. You may also realize at this point, every relationship is unique and specific to each perspective and amount of effort given. This is exactly true about spirituality. There are no right or wrong ways to become ‘spiritual’. It’s simply how you interact with yourself and choose to build that relationship. Imagine now, spending a majority of your life building a relationship with the one being who can’t leave you. If you put the effort into treating yourself the way you would any other person you were afraid to lose; you would never be fear being alone again. In turn, saving you from some major lessons you may not have to re-learn. That may also be your path and pre-determined however. You could have even chosen to not awaken in this lifetime. There is so much happening behind the scenes of this consciousness and experience.

With all of the above in consideration, there are many branches of spiritual practices; just as there are with religion. I also believe, every person has access to every psychic gift as well as the spirit realm. Some of them just come more naturally then others (if any) depending on the individual. Just the same as some people are talented with music or sports. I believe your spiritual work also rolls over in lifetimes. You carry your soul work with you, vessel by vessel. The only problem with that is in order to enter a human vessel and start a new human experience, you go through amnesia. In theory, if your soul did enough work it should be relatively easy to ‘wake back up’ and remember who/what you are and what is going on. If not, and you stay trapped within the egoic games of identity and form, in it’s scraping attempts at survival; then it may take you longer to come back to yourself and remember. Maybe even lifetimes.

This lifetime for me is dedicated to breaking generational curses, spreading love and light, transmuting negative energy, and experiencing life and all that comes with the physical realm — in each delicious present moment. For you only exist in the present moment. I enjoy connecting with nature, creating anything (especially bad art), and expanding my consciousness while leveling up my life. I am also passionate about a lot of things. In fact, I’m sure that I could dedicate my whole life to pursuing my passions and stay busy. Which is exactly how I plan to live this life. I heard somewhere, “don’t stay somewhere you don’t belong, a moment longer”. Ever since then, I really took it to heart and have decided to never waste my precious time again. I am working on loving myself so wholly and completely that I will not accept anything less from any other person, for I am enough.

My promise to you, friend, is I will present my most authentic self, experiences, and perspectives. I hope my work finds the curious, like minded, and open minded people. Those who are in search for answers that typical resources may not be able to provide. These answers lay within us, each soul’s experience a piece contributing to the puzzle of the Universal energy, life. I invite you to follow along as I write about the way I perceive and expereince this life.



Alex Green

Living in the present moment, sharing my thoughts and how I experience life